Fun Facts About Sunflowers

closeup of a sunflower

Sunflowers are known for evoking a feeling of positivity because of their large, yellow blooms. They stand tall—taller than many other garden blooms—and always seem to perk up our moods. You may already be a fan of these familiar sunny flowers, but did you know that sunflowers can grow up to 12 feet tall in as little as six months, or how tall the current world-record holder is?

Interesting facts about the amazing sunflowers that you may not have known include: Continue reading

The Guide To Square Foot Gardening

Square Foot Gardening - Ultimate guide

Imagine it. Organized planters boxes laid out in a perfect pattern with walkways. Gardens that are bursting with life and look exceptionally manicured. Maybe you have seen them on t.v. and in magazines. These gardens that look as though they have been sculpted by a landscape artist. Have you ever wondered how it’s done or what it’s called? Well my friend, these gardens have a name, and it’s called square foot gardening. Looks difficult right? Maybe time consuming and too out of the box, well in this case in the box. In all actuality, this method is quite simple to undertake.

This simple method of gardening, has resurfaced over the years, and has become the next new gardening trend that everyone is digging into. From homesteads to the backyards of suburban neighborhoods and city community gardens, square foot gardening has helped many people turn the hobby of gardening into a fruitful lifestyle. Below, we have put together the ultimate guide for square foot gardening so that you can learn more about what it is and isn’t, its history, how you can get started and more. Continue reading

How To Plan A Camping Trip

Whether it be telling stories around the fire, making s’mores, or hiking through the woods, a good camping trip cannot be beaten. It can help you to disconnect from the world for a bit, and provides a chance for you to connect with nature.

Although you will be leaving many of the comforts of home behind you, a camping trip can be a fantastic adventure of bonding and shared life experiences for everyone that is involved. However, even the greatest laid plans can be disrupted by disorganization or some type of unexpected disturbance. Therefore, it is best to think ahead and plan as much as possible for your next camping adventure.

Here are some things to think about to help you plan a camping trip that is sure to please the entire camping crew. Continue reading

Can You Make Money Selling Firewood?

See also “Easy And Cheap Method For Removing Tree Stumps”

Five Ways To Quick Dry Firewood

See Also – What Causes A Smoky Fireplace?

Free Bible Browser for Daily Use!

Easy And Cheap Method For Removing Tree Stumps

Tips To Make Your Garden Grow…Quick!

Getting To Know Your Pyreneese

See Also “Getting To Know Your Rough Collie”

Summer Fun and Swimming Pool Safety






There is a type of pool for everyone, every space and every purpose. Thanks to advances in construction and more available materials, traditional in-ground pools can take on about any look. Whether you opt to DIY with an above-ground kit or hire a pool company to install an inground style, safety is key.

Unfortunately, this hub of fun family activity can be deadly if left unchecked and unguarded. That’s why it’s important for every owner to educate himself or herself about water safety and maintain a safe pool environment. Furthermore, owners need to ensure family, friends, neighbors, and guests not only know, but follow, pool rules.

According to the American Red Cross, there are a few rules that apply to every pool owner. Continue reading

Can You Prune Trees In The Spring?

As you’ve been admiring all the fresh green growth in your yard this spring, perhaps you’ve noticed something else, too. Like excessive growth of a tree or shrub that you want to cut.

Generally, the best time to prune most trees is when they’re leafless in winter. But as you know, with each rule of thumb, there are exceptions.

Read on to learn more about spring tree pruning.
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LS R4047 Compact Tractor Review

Champion 2000 Watt Inverter Generator Review

LS XR4046 Tractor Review

See also “LS XG3025 Tractor Review”

Vegetable Gardens From The 1800s

Vegetable Gardening for Beginners

When Rabbits Invade Your Garden

Yes, rabbits are marble eyed, floppy eared, fuzz balls of cuteness. They are fun to watch bounce across your back yard, however it is what they do when you aren’t looking that can be frustrating. They have no respect for boundaries or  that garden you have been slaving away in all summer. Rabbits have two bad habits-chewing and swallowing. They love your flowers, your green beans, your blossoms. To a rabbit, rows in a garden are like isles in a grocery store. Learning early on how to prevent rabbits from gobbling up your harvest is something every gardener must to do. So to prevent them from getting fat off of your hard labor, we’ve compiled a list of tips and products designed to aide you in safekeeping your fruits and vegetables from rabbits and other garden predators. Image result for rabbit in garden

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