See Also “The Best Firewood For Burning In Your Woodstove”
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See Also “The Best Firewood For Burning In Your Woodstove”
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Stop! Just because that jar of honey in your cupboard looks like gold sugar doesn’t mean it has gone bad. Crystalized honey isn’t spoiled and is actually quite common among most types and brands. Continue reading
There is a type of pool for everyone, every space and every purpose. Thanks to advances in construction and more available materials, traditional in-ground pools can take on about any look. Whether you opt to DIY with an above-ground kit or hire a pool company to install an inground style, safety is key.
Unfortunately, this hub of fun family activity can be deadly if left unchecked and unguarded. That’s why it’s important for every owner to educate himself or herself about water safety and maintain a safe pool environment. Furthermore, owners need to ensure family, friends, neighbors, and guests not only know, but follow, pool rules.
According to the American Red Cross, there are a few rules that apply to every pool owner. Continue reading
As you’ve been admiring all the fresh green growth in your yard this spring, perhaps you’ve noticed something else, too. Like excessive growth of a tree or shrub that you want to cut.
Generally, the best time to prune most trees is when they’re leafless in winter. But as you know, with each rule of thumb, there are exceptions.
Read on to learn more about spring tree pruning.
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